Hippynet provide Audio Players as part of our streaming packages however there are also many other free options available that should you wish to use instead of ours are all compatible. As these players are provided by third parties please note that we are not able to provide specific support or assistance with them but there is no reason why they shouldn't work for you that we know of!
Name | Description | URL |
Plyr | A lightweight, accessible and customizable HTML5 media player that supports both audio and video. | https://plyr.io/ |
jPlayer | A versatile and feature-rich HTML5 media player that supports both audio and video. | https://jplayer.org/ |
SoundManager 2 | A JavaScript-based audio player that provides a consistent API for different HTML5 and Flash-based audio players. | http://www.schillmania.com/projects/soundmanager2/ |
MediaElement.js | A full-featured HTML5 audio and video player that supports a wide range of codecs and file types. | https://mediaelementjs.com/ |
Wavesurfer.js | An open-source JavaScript library that allows you to create interactive navigable audio visualization using Web Audio and Canvas. | https://wavesurfer-js.org/ |
Howler.js | A javascript library for working with Web Audio API, lightweight and easy to use. | https://howlerjs.com/ |
Amplitude.js | An open-source JavaScript library that makes it easy to create responsive and customizable audio players for your website. | https://521dimensions.com/open-source/amplitudejs |